Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 3

Today I was back with my lovely mentor teacher. We had a great day and I got lots more planning done. I am giving the students a little profile page to fill out for me tomorrow including their name, a drawing of themselves (should be funny), their likes/hobbies, favourite sports teams, what they would like to learn in the WW2 unit that I will be teaching, where they see themselves when they are 30, and one wish. Hopefully they will enjoy it and it will help me to get to know them a bit better. I will post about how it goes.

My laptop got its virus back today, which is incredibly frustrating since I was without it for two days last week while it was being "fixed" for the exact same problem. Tonight they told me that they hadn't fixed it properly in Victoria so that's why it came back. We payed a lot to have it fixed, so I am pretty mad. Plus, I really need it for lesson planning (as well as everything I have on there!). I really hope I have it back for Monday since I had planned to use it to present a power point and a video clip!

Today I found out that they have teacher yoga at my school! I am very excited to start doing that!

1 comment:

  1. Your virus came back?! Is there not some kind of guarantee from Best Buy when they "fixed it?" That sucks so much.
